Click Here to view the Entire 1st PUC Syllabus
You don’t have to read further than this line. All necessary details have been given above. Below is the part of a previous transcript.
For all those who read this
link and didn’t understand jack listen up!
The document talks about first and second PUC model question paper and blue print and how the new so called “Single Window System” is going to be implemented for the state of Karnataka. The organizations like COBSC and NCERT have had a joint implementation and have played an equal part in this.
What is discussed here in this article is applicable to 2013-2014. Just don’t fringe and read ahead.
The changes will affect the following PUC branches i.e. Arts, Science, PCMB Mathematics Geo and Home Science. The PU boards states that the changes where made on the basis of advice from experts and also previous year’s textbooks to create this syllabus. As we already know each subject is for 100 marks. But the partition has changed quite drastically.
For Everyone:Marks to obtain to atleast obtain an Exemption Grade
Min marks for all subjects = 30 marks
Min marks for languages = 35 marks
French Students:Theory = 80 marks (Min 24)
Oral Marks = 20 marks (Min 6)
Hindustani Music:Theory = 40 (Min 10)
Oral Marks = 60 (Min 20)
Biology Students:Apart from PCB, for other core subject i.e. Electronics or Mathematics or Home Science the division of the marks is as follows.
Theory = 70 marks (Min 21)
Other = 30 marks (Min 14)
If your absent in pracs or you don’t pass there is no second chance.
Division of 30 Marks of Practicals
Practicals = 20 marks
Viva = 4 marks
Record = 6 marks
Note on Practicals: Each practical exam will be held for 2 hours. There is going to be 1 external invigilator and one internal invigilator. The viva will be conducted by the external invigilator.
Lab Attendance Marks
90%+ = 6 marks (record and attendance)
81%-90% = 5 marks
71%-80% = 4 marks
41%-70% = 3 marks
<40% = 0 marks
Each college has been advised to notify all their students about these details.